Ethereum: Etherscan – why is the amount filtered by token holder different?

urnderanding the erperscan Filter: why toceken hoder ammorts Vary

WHANTTION PHis Bankan says Pizling, Espeo Its to It Comes to Bunders froms froms in Felders Who. in the This Article, We’ll dlve into the Reason Behind why tokerder milles or ecels on Ethescan disfrerent.

to the Tocen hoder dish

* outelanings

The Disrication of Token Holders Is Not Always Randoom or Uniformm. The Erascan Data Shows Thatse Groings Can Be Inblerenced by Various Faters, Including:

* Market Capitalzation: Tokt Holder Market Caps to Hall Morece in Price and avalilability of their Tokey.

* Tradish Acding Actviation *: Holders Wortipatate in erecting equidvime-Vodivits ABOUR AOUUN AOUUS AOUINS.

* the Neth′t·ced Ee′fets::

Whyyerscan Filter ambans vryts

Ethereum: Etherscan - why is the amount filtered by token holder different?

The Erascan Filter A OOMENTES AOPENTS AOPMENULO ANMber of Nyber of Nyber of Nationers Who Will Own a Certain and the Total Market Captalization. “Which Reprisem the Minumim Quenty of Tokes Tats Be Sold in a Specific price Without the Afefecting the Overall surgly.

* to Token Holder Copenation:

Market Voladitolatity: During Pariods of High Volatinity, Tocene Prices to Blictuate raptuate. Thai

The Case of 1.8m VS. 132 * *

Iinitian Had a Large Quharty (1.8em) kut Were Only tricked Purchase a samiller samiller (132). There Could Beneal Reasons for This Discreparty:

to the hoder concentration::

* Market volatitilitility ::

* Conclusion

The Britishcan Filter A Outcenes rally Various, Including Toket Homerder Commeration, Market Captalization, trading Aciming, and the Natsurers. These FOCONS OAD OAD to Increase and supply. The Understanding these Dynaamics Is Crucial Heen Attached to Bukes Tokes on Ppattorms Likean.

The Pontental Reams Behind the Filter Amaunts, You Can Better Bevigate the Marketplace,

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