Ethereum: create an order in Python Binance API with a stop Price

Here is a detailed guide and an example of an article on how to create an order in the Binance API interface with Python:

Creating an order at a stopped price for Binance API

This article goes through the price of the order creation process at the Binance API interface with Python. We use the exchange.create_order method, which is part of the Binance application subscription.


  • You have the Binance API key and a few cryptomena symbols you want to trade.

  • You have installed the “Binance -APIapplication using PIP:


PIP to install Binance-API


  • In a file called you have the following Python code (replaced with ‘symbol’,page 'etc. with your right values):


Import requirements

Exchange = ‘Binance’

Symbol = ‘BTC/USDT’

Kryptome symbols pairs

Api_Key = ‘Your_Binance_Api_Key’

Api_secret = ‘Your_Binance_api_secret’

headlines = {


‘X-Imbx-Secrecret-Pres’: Api_secret


params = {

“Symbol”: a symbol,

‘Side’: ‘Buy’,

‘Type’: ‘stop_loss_limit’,

‘Time_in_Force’: ‘GTC’,

may be ‘GTC’, ‘iOC’, ‘Foca’

‘Referenly’: ‘true’

reduce the location only after the loss of stopping


Response = Request.Post (f

If response.tatus_code == 200:

Order_id = Response.json () [‘ID’]

Print (F’order ID: {order} ‘)


Print (f’failed to create an order


Explanation of Code:

Ethereum: create an order in Python Binance API with a stop Price

  • First we bring the “request” library, which is used for HTTP requirements.

  • We define the Binance API (API_KEY and API_SECRET) access information in the “Title” dictionary.


4 Time_in_Force parameter is set ” GTC’(good until it is canceled) to stop loss of loss.

  • If the order is successfully created, dismantle the order ID from the JSON response and print it.

  • Getting any errors that may occur during the application.

tips and variations:

  • Remember to replace the "symbol",api_keyand the api_secret with your real values.

  • You can customize the time_in_force parameter if necessary.

  • Cancel an existing order to update the dictionary “Params” and include updated parameters.

  • Be aware of API limits when creating orders (eg 100 orders per minute).

  • Consider the use of an exemption block to resolve any errors and exceptions.

I hope this article helps!

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