Ethereum: How does Bitcoin keep track of account balances?

How Bitcoin keeps track of account hips: a deeper look

As you most recently download Bitcoin and wait for it at Connect, you are likely to be Labcoin manages to keep the song. The answer is in a complex system involving cryptography, transactions and blockchain. In this article, we will cope with how Bitcoin keeps track of the account balances.


When creating a bitcoin wallet or make a network transaction, it’s not just to send money for the other. It is about maintaining the integrity and consistency of the entire Bitcoin network. To achieve this, Bitcoin uses a decentralized draw called blockchain.

Blockcha is a public pastry, Diigital, who reports every accomplished. It is mainly through a network of nodes (computers) AROOND each node verifies and adds new transactions to the chain, ensuring its immutability.

Account Hands: A decimal point

Now, let’s talk about Casa Bitcoin keeps track of the account balances. When you? Your account also has a balance associated with it.

The balance is calculated on the total offer of existing bitcoins (approximately 21 million) and the number of coins held by. When you have a transaction, the sender’s new balance is updated, it is unchanged.

Think about it like a pyggy bank: you deposit money in an account, increase the balance available. When withdrawing money, the available balance decreases. This process ensures that each survey is access to funds and main integrity.

Account Balances Incondion

To understand this concept, consider a simple example:

Suppose Alice from creating an account with 10 bitcoins (initial balance). She deposits another 5 bitcoins in her account using the Bitcoin customer. Now, the total balance is 15 bitcoins.

If Alice will be a transaction to send 3 Bitcoins to Bob, her new Balance becomes 12 Bitcoins (initial balance – 5 = 7; then 7 + 3 = 10). Meanwhile, Bob’s new balance remains unchanged at 10 Bitcoins.

Creating an account and an initial balance

When creating on an account in the Bitcoin network, the initial bales to zero. You can deposit or withdraw coins from that initial balance, as needed.

Here is an explanation step by step:

  • Create a new today : Download

  • Configure Yur-Publicadress

    Ethereum: How does Bitcoin keep track of account balances?

    : You are this to configure before the press, it is used to receive payments and send transactions.

  • Deposit coins in your account : Deposit or withdraw bitcoins from the original balance.


  • Update -va balance

    : Your new balanc

Checking process

It is an account or make-mock account, the network performs a performance verification in ensuring your identity. This involves checking:

  • Public Address Unknowledge :

  • Private keys encryption : Your private key is encrypted and checked using plot algorithms.

  • Identity confirmation : A cryptographic algorithm called ECDSA (digital signature algorithm with elliptical curve) confirms you.

When checking the performance is complete, you can recite your receptions or send tractions on the network.

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