Ethereum: Is there a way to get the market cap or market cap rank of a coin using the Binance API?

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to get a market top bound or coin rank using binance api

Ethereum: Is there a way to get the market cap or market cap rank of a coin using the Binance API?

When developing a cryptocurrency program, it is necessary to have access to higher market data. Binance API is one of these platforms providing access to various financial data, including market capitalization and cryptocurrency rank.

In this article, we will investigate how to get the top of the coin market or the top boundary of the market using Binance C



As you have already learned, the Binance C

API does not provide the company’s features to obtain the top limit of the market or the rank of specific cryptocurrency. You need to ask the API by hand.


To achieve this, we will use the “rear point of the list coins that allows you to scan all the list of Binance exchange coins. Then we will go through each coin and provide an additional request to the final point for Getcoin to get the marketaded or rating data for that particular coin.


Here are some examples of code so we can start:


Using the system;


Use of System.text.json;


Public -class Marketcaprequest


Public line symbol {get; set; }


Public Async Task Getmarketcapsayync ()



New Contents of the Line (JSONSERALIALIERIALIALIE (New Listcoinsrequest ()), Encoding.utf8, Application/JSON);

wait for the request.content.Readfromstaskasyanc ();

VAR MARKET CAPS = waiting for Getmarketcapsancfromrepons (request);

Return market upper limit;


Public Async Task “Getmarketcapesyncfromrespossse” (HttPresponsemeMessage Response)


VAR Listcoins Answer = Waiting for Answer.

VAR Listcoins = Jsonserizer.Desalysis (Listcoins Response);


Foreach (Var coin Listcoins)


VAR REQUEST = NEW MARKETCAPREQUEST {symbol = coin.symbol};

VAR MARKET CAPRESPONSE = waiting for Getmarketcapesyncfromcoinrequest (request);

IF (MarketCapresponse! = Null)


MarketCaps.add (MarketCapresponse);



Return market upper limit;


Society’s Async Task Getmarketcapesyncfromcoinrequest (MarketCaprequest request)


VAR URL = ” + request.symbol;

VAR REQUESTURL = $ ” & limit = 100″;

using VAR httpclient = new httpclient ();

VAR Answer = Wait for httpclient.geasync (Requesturl);

IF (Answer.isuccess Status Code)


Return Jsonserialiser.Derialize (wait for an answer.tetent.readstringing ());




Console.writeline ($ “” Failed to scan {inquiry. Symbol} market upper bounds: {Response.statuscode} “);

Return null;




How does it work

The Getmarketcapesync method creates a new list of coins and loops via each coin, with an additional request for Getcoin for the final point to obtain the top limit of the market or rating data. If you are lucky, it adds a response from GetmarketcapesyncfromCoinrequest method.

Remember that we use the variable Listcoins Response to get a list of all coins Binance Exchange. Then we go through each coin and provide an additional query using the Getmarketcapsasyncfromcoinrequest method to get the market cape or rating data for that particular coin.


Based on this example, you should be able to crawl the coin market top or the top limit of the market using Binance C

API. Remember to handle all the mistakes that can occur when installing a request and processing them.

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