Ethereum: Visualize Bitcoin Hashing

Bitcoin bag visualization: step by step

The cryptographic and computer science world is full of complex concepts, but one topic distinguishes its simplicity: mixing algorithms. Specifically, we will investigate the Sha-256 bag algorithm used by the decentralized digital currency Bitcoin, which allows users to create, check and manage operations without the requirement of central authorities or mediators.


Mixing is a mathematical feature that picks up the input data (called “message”) and creates a fixed -sized output called “bag”. In the case of Sha-256, which marks a safe bag algorithm 256, this bag is usually 256-bit length. The purpose of mixing is to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the data, making it an important component of digital operations.

As Bitcoin uses a bag

Ethereum: Visualize Bitcoin Hashing

According to the official Bitcoin Wiki, Bitcoin uses the SHA-256 algorithm to generate clearly random numbers in a way that requires predictable CPU effort. This means that while you have access to powerful computers, they are not needed for Bitcoin operations.

To understand how it works, we will divide the process step by step:

Message : The user creates a message that can be any data such as surgery or information.

  • Bag Calculation : The message is entered in a cryptographic mixer (in this case, Sha-256). This process involves several iterations using the rules and calculations of the bag algorithm.

Output generation : generated bag calculation output, which may be a line of fixed size characters or bit.

Why Sha-256?

SHA-256, as the choice of Bitcoin bag algorithm, was probably made:

Cryptographic strength : Sha-256 is considered a safe and widely accepted cryptographic standard.


Pre -processing resistance : The attacker is virtually impossible to find a certain entrance string that creates a certain output bag.

Sha-256 visualization

To help show how Sha-256 works, let’s create a simple example:

Imagine you have two fragments of information: “Hello, World!” And hexadecimal code “1234567890abcdef”. To generate Sha-256 bags for each information, follow the following steps:

Input : Both strings turn in hexagonal format (e.g.

  • Bag Calculation : Use a cryptographic bag function such as Sha-256 to generate a fixed-size output line.

Exit : The resulting bag strings are similar in length (usually 256 -bit length).


The Sha-256 bag algorithm used by Bitcoin is an essential component to ensure the integrity and authenticity of digital operations. Understanding how it works, you can evaluate the complexity and security of this cryptography.

Regardless of whether you are an experienced cryptographer or just an interesting internal action of cryptocurrencies, such as the SHA-256 bag algorithms, can be both interesting and illuminated.

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