Problem of the Metamask React project: it is impossible to recover the data from the contract
As a developer, you probably encountered problems when integrating Metamask with the React application. A common problem is that the data recovered from the contract are not displayed on the page. In this article, we will deepen the possible reasons behind this problem and provide solutions to solve it.
Understanding the error message
The “impossible to recover” error message indicates that the HTTP request to the Metamask Epas has failed. The Typeeerror row: it is impossible to recover in the browser console suggests that a syntax error is taking place during the API call. This generally happens when the data recovered from the contract cannot be analyzed or rendered on the page.
Problem resolution steps
We break down the potential reasons behind this problem and provide measures to solve it:
1. Check the network connection
Make sure the network connection is stable and functions correctly. Restart the Internet connection or try to connect to a different Wi-Fi network, if available.
2. Check the contract data
Make sure that the recovered contract data are corrected and not corrupted in any way. It is possible to add debuts or use a debugger to inspect the contract data before making the API call.
3. Check the Metamask configuration
Verify that Metamask is correctly configured on the browser settings:
- Make sure Metamask is enabled in the browser extensions settings.
- Confirm that you have set up the address of the correct portfolio and the private key.
Example code: Debug of the contract data
To make the contract data debut, you can add registration declarations or use a debugger to inspect the response from the API. Here is an example of how you could do it:
The import reacts from “react”;
Const MyContrat = () => {
Const [Data, Setata] = react.USSATED ({});
UseEffect (() => {
Fetch (‘ {
Method: “Get”,
Headers: {‘Content-Type’: ‘Application/json’},
.ci ((reply) => reply.json ())
.then ((contracts) => {
Settata (contracted);
.Catch ((error) => console.error (error));
}, []);
return (
Given by the contract: {Data} H1>
In this example, we are using the beesfetchto obtain a request to obtain the contract bees at the endpoint. So let's analyze the answer like Json and archive it in the component state.
The "impossible to recover" error when interacting with the Metamask React project generally occurs when a problem occurs with the data recovered from the contract. To resolve this, make sure that the network connection is stable, check the contract data, check the configuration of Metamask and debugs the contract data, if possible. Following these passes of resolution of the problems, you should be able to identify and solve the problem.
Additional tips
- Always validate and disinfect the user's input data before sending them to the contract.
- Use a robust recording mechanism to monitor calls and bees errors.
- Consider the use of a library as
with the management of errors for more robust answers.
Following these guidelines, you should be able to solve the problem “failed to recover” and successfully integrate your react application with Metamask. If you find further problems, feel free to contact assistance!