Error Analysis: Solana Bigint: Failed to load binding ( @Solana/Web3.JS @Solana/Spl-Token)
As a developer working with Solana, it is not uncommon for problems that can make our lives more challenging. In this article, we will go into the problem of “Bigint”, failing to load the bindings in the context of Solana Web3 and SPL markers.
When trying to send SPL markers using the Solana Web3 Library (@Solana/Web3.JS) and its SPL marker introduction (
@Solana/SPL-Token) occurs, resulting in an error that results in an error 'TokenAccountNotfound'. This error indicates that the system cannot find or create a marker account associated with the sender.
Causes of the question:
To understand what is happening, let's split the problem in more detail:
- Bigint
: Solana to depict large numbers of "Bigint". Web3 and SPLTOKEN implementation is important to ensure that the "Bigint" type is properly loaded when interacting with the blockchain.
- *@solana/web3.JS: This library is based on a variety of addictions, including@Solana/Types, which provides a set of types to work with Solana. Using Bigint, we need to check that the “Types” module is properly imported and loaded.
The code fragment below shows how to deal with this:
Import {sploken} from ‘@solana/web3.js’;
Import {types} from ‘@solana/type’;
// Check that Bigint is properly loaded
if (! Type.isbigint) {
Throw a new error (‘bigint is not a valid type @Solana/Type Module.’);
Try {
// Try to load the fasteners sploken with Bigint as a marker type
// Set the marker type to “bigint”
Type: Types.Bigint,
Console.log (splokenwithbigint);
} Catch (error) {
IF (Error.Message.Includes (‘TokenAccountNotFound’)) {
// Action with an error and give a meaningful message
Console.Error (‘Failed to load binding binding cases with bigint:’, error);
Throw a new error (“Failed to send Spl marker via Bigint Type: $ {Error});
} else {
// Restore the original error
throw a mistake;
} Catch (error) {
IF (Error.Message.Includes ('TokenAccountNotFound')) {
Console.Error ('Failed to load binding binding cases with bigint:', error);
Throw a new error ("Failed to send Spl marker via Bigint Type: $ {Error});
} else {
// Restore the original error
throw a mistake;
To solve this problem, we need to check that “Bigint” is properly loaded in our code. We can achieve this by checking that “Type.isbigint” returns a valid result.
Import {sploken} from ‘@solana/web3.js’;
Import {types} from ‘@solana/type’;
// Check that Bigint is properly loaded
if (! Type.isbigint) {
Throw a new error (‘bigint is not a valid type @Solana/Type Module.’);
Try {
// Try to load the fasteners sploken with Bigint as a marker type
// Set the marker type to “bigint”
Type: Types.Bigint,
Console.log (splokenwithbigint);
} Catch (error) {
IF (Error.Message.Includes (‘TokenAccountNotFound’)) {
// Action with an error and give a meaningful message
Console.Error (Failed to load binding wrapping with bigint: $ {error}
Throw a new error (“Failed to send Spl marker via Bigint Type: $ {Error}`);
} else {
// Restore the original error
throw a mistake;
} Catch (error) {
IF (Error.Message.Includes (‘TokenAccountNotFound’)) {